Directors & Chairs

Committed to improving their contribution and performance in the boardroom.

The benefits of mentoring have been widely researched and known to be an incredibly effective means of supporting goal achievement. Whether you are seeking development, growth and confidence in your role, or a profound transformational change, doing it alone promises to be a slower, pottier road to average.

Independent and objective observation, reflection and wisdom of others who have walked a similar path, can help you fine tune and improve upon your development needs and importantly, your blind spots.

A professional mentor may also play a pro-active role in their mentees journey by providing networking and shadowing opportunities, facilitating introductions, opening doors, reviewing and passing on CV’s. They will push and challenge you and, share their successes and failings authentically. Great mentors keep it real.

If I can’t help you, I most likely know someone who can.

All services can be delivered effectively online or in person. Go ahead, take a look and if you would like to explore further, we invite you to book a complimentary Zoom discussion.

Email us at for a Complimentary Zoom Discussion


1:1 Mentoring

Are you aspiring to deepen, broaden or transition your Personal and Professional Impact (hyperlink) or would you prefer a bespoke program to assist you in the development, growth and confidence of your role?

All services can be delivered effectively online or in person. Go ahead, take a look and if you would like to explore further, we invite you to book a complimentary Zoom discussion.

Email us at for a Complimentary Zoom Discussion

Peer Group Mentoring

Expertly facilitated peer group mentoring of non-executive directors and chairs of boards and committees with similar challenges, can be a highly engaging and valuable development process.

You can choose to work with your own board or committee as part of a performance improvement program or, join the waiting list and learn alongside a diverse cohort of participants. Either way, the Peer Group Mentoring Program for Directors and Chairs is a great way to collaborate, share, learn and develop relationships.

All services can be delivered effectively online or in person. Go ahead, take a look and if you would like to explore further, we invite you to book a complimentary Zoom discussion.

Email us at for a Complimentary Zoom Discussion